
I work for knowledge centres, research institutes, consultancies, public authorities, business and civil society, from local to global levels. Assignments range from local nature quick scans to European policy assessment.

Greening primary school De Step

Commissioned by primary school De Step in the Belgian Beringen, I helped draw up a subsidy application for the ‘Nature in your school’ programme, to green their school environment.

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Tilburg biodiversity monitoring plan

In this project I develop a municipal biodiversity monitoring plan.

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Developing water masterplan Oude Landen Antwerpen

Commissioned by Stad Antwerpen, this project developed a master plan to make the water system the spatial carrier of the area.

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Helping to build the EU Science Service for Biodiversity

A European consortium develops the EU Science Service for Biodiversity, the scientific pillar of the EU Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity.

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Assessing EU biodiversity research projects

On a regular basis I assess European projects on biodiversity that are funded by the European Commission, or proposals that were submitted for funding in response to a call.

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Assessing EU policy on invasive alien species

I developed an assessment framework for the EU Regulation on invasive alien species and recommended ways to present the outcome of such assessment.

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Greening primary school De Step

Commissioned by primary school De Step in the Belgian Beringen, I helped draw up a subsidy application for the ‘Nature in your school’ programme, to green their school environment.

Tilburg biodiversity monitoring plan

In this project I develop a municipal biodiversity monitoring plan.

Developing water masterplan Oude Landen Antwerpen

Commissioned by Stad Antwerpen, this project developed a master plan to make the water system the spatial carrier of the area.

Helping to build the EU Science Service for Biodiversity

A European consortium develops the EU Science Service for Biodiversity, the scientific pillar of the EU Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity.

Assessing EU biodiversity research projects

On a regular basis I assess European projects on biodiversity that are funded by the European Commission, or proposals that were submitted for funding in response to a call.

Assessing EU policy on invasive alien species

I developed an assessment framework for the EU Regulation on invasive alien species and recommended ways to present the outcome of such assessment.

Thanks to my clients:

ALTER-Net | BiodivERsA | Commonland | Contracting company Verschuren, Wagenberg (NL) | The Corpac House, Tilburg | Council of Europe – Bern Convention Secretariat | Ecorys | European Commission agencies CINEA, EASME and REA | felixx landscape architects| Lely Holding a.s r.l | European Topic Centre for Biological Diversity | Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) | National Natural History Museum, Paris | OMGEVING cvba | Oppla eeig | Prospect C&S | Royal Dutch Natural History Association (KNNV) | De Step, primary school Beringen (BE) | STROOM architecten | Tilburg municipality | Antwerp University | Wageningen Environmental Research