By: Peter van de Wiel

Assessing EU biodiversity research projects

since 2021

agencies of the European Commission

On a regular basis I assess European projects on biodiversity that are funded by the European Commission, or proposals that were submitted for funding in response to a call.

It concerns the EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe (and its predecessor Horizon 2020). To support this massive funding programme, I am enlisted by the relevant EC agencies (EASME, CINEA, REA) as an expert reviewer for projects in the field of biodiversity conservation and monitoring (including soil biodiversity), nature-based solutions (including for climate change adaptation), ecosystem services (e.g. pollination), science communication, and science-policy-society interaction.

In small teams with other experts we assess proposals for their excellence and impact. For funded projects we review progress and deliverables and assess whether projects are on track and deliver the expected impact for science, society and economy.

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