Input to new European biodiversity policy

February - November 2020

Musรฉum national d'histoire naturelle, France, under contract to the European Environment Agency

Production of a folder summarizing the key indicators as part of a European review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and the ETC/BD strategy development.

2020 was an important year for global and EU policy for biodiversity conservation. It marked the end of earlier biodiversity strategies, adopted a decade before. The EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 had set an ambitious goal to halt the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU and help stop global biodiversity loss by 2020. Six specific targets and 20 actions were adopted to implement the ambitious goal.

The implementation and impacts of the EU strategy were reviewed, assessing the extent in which the targets and overall goal were reached. Much of the data and indicators that underpin the assessment are collected and developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA), of which the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) is a component. As a complement to the review of the strategy therefore the ETC/BD produced a folder to present for easy reference the key EEA indicators that support the assessment.
As the 2020 strategy came to an end, the global community as well as the EU developed a new strategy for prioritized action for biodiversity until 2030, as part of the European Green Deal. This important policy document will provide key guidance for the future role of the ETC/BD and EEA in supporting policy implementation and evaluation with sound data and indicators. To accommodate for these new needs and specify the ETC/BD work a brainstorming process and strategic document was produced.
I led on both activities, the folder production and the ETC/BD strategy development.

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